Caliman Constantin
Sunday, September 25, 2022, I had the honor of being nominated in Belgrade/Serbia as President of the WFF (World Fudokan Federation) by Prof. Dr. Ilija JORGA 10 DAN, the founder of this world recognized style.
I would like to thank the WFF Council of Masters of The Fudokan for this honor. As a result of the CORONAVIRUS pandemic crisis that affected us all, in 2021 the GA and election could not be organized.
I have the obligation to provide the interim until the WFF GA Congress, which will take place in Belgrade/Serbia on the occasion of the 2023 World Championship and of course, I will apply for this position being nominated.
We have the obligation to contribute together to the development of the fudokan and to continue the work of our master.
Also, I am aware of the immensity of this position and its implications, assuring you of my full involvement and devotion.

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